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Dyke Wall

Strengthening Communities, Dyke Wall Project in Lath Basti, Karachi LEPCL is dedicated to making a positive impact in communities facing environmental challenges. Lath Basti, a small fishing village located adjacent to the LEPCL Plant next to the cost, has faced heavy rains, cyclones and rising sea levels, resulting in widespread flooding and displacement. Recognizing the urgent need for action, LEPCL partnered with local community members to implement a solution that

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Thar Coal reserves are estimated by the Geological Survey of Pakistan to be approximately 175 billion tons – making it one of the largest lignite coal reserves in the world.

Thar Coal reserves are estimated by the Geological Survey of Pakistan to be approximately 175 billion tons – making it one of the largest lignite coal reserves in the world. Pakistan is currently facing a serious energy crisis: the energy shortfall exceeds 6,000 MW. The rapid increase in energy demand from growing demographic pressures and intense industrialization has contributed to the crisis. Coal plays a minor role in Pakistan’s ensergy

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Thar coal a promising solution to Pakistan’s energy woes

ISLAMABAD-Thar Coal Power project will help Pakistan generate energy at a much lower cost, and this would be a game-changer for the country’s overall development, said Shamsuddin Shaikh, former CEO of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company, while talking to WealthPK. “In the current global economic recession, Pakistan faces the challenge of a massive hike in the fuel price in the international market. With the help of China, Pakistan installed imported

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